1325 2nd Ave. New Hyde Park contact@qfsfinalmiledelivery.com

Newspapers Delivery

Service Details

New York is known as the center of America’s media, so it’s no surprise that New Yorkers love their news! With our newspaper delivery service, you can get all your favorite periodicals delivered to your door faster. Choose from our extensive inventory of over 10,000 publications, including the best local, national and international newspapers.

can deliver the news you and your colleagues need to start the day right. We know how tight your schedule is, and how fast everything moves in New York, so we’ll make sure to get all the publications you need delivered to your door exactly when you need them.

Our goal is to make newspaper delivery as quick and convenient as possible for our customers. In most cases, we can arrange newspaper delivery to addresses within two hours of receiving your order.

Service Included

  • count and dispatch
  • secure it for rain and snow
  • drive to your door
  • your newspaper has been delivered

Frequently Asked Question

Q: What publications does QFS offer for home and office delivery?
A: Please take a look at our newspaper and magazine catalogs on our website. If you can’t find something you are looking for please send us an email at contact@qfsfinalmiledelivery.com and we will make all efforts to find what you are looking for. We love a good challenge!
Q: What should I do if my paper is wet, damaged or missing?
A: You can submit your request for a redelivery on your customer dashboard, call us at (516) 280-4177 or email us at contact@qfsfinalmiledelivery.com. A replacement copy will arrive within two hours if contacted by 10AM.
Q: What is the Access Transportation Service?
A: Access Transportation is a service that provides non-emergency transportation to and from medical facilities, private residences, nursing homes and retirement centers. Although we are not an ambulance service, we do place medically trained personnel on board all of our vehicles.